About Me

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Many little girls dream of becoming a dancer when young. I was one of them and did, as well as teaching in many areas of this art form. However I made the change to becoming a gym trainer and eventually a competitor in Figure. After being diagnosed with two interlinked "conditions" I pushed on to continue competing as sportsmodel, however wish to return to compete in figure. This blog is to show those who feel certain conditions in any area of their lives can be overcome to still reach their full potential and dreams.This blog is my journey to overcome obstacles and inspire others to do the same.

Monday 14 January 2008

for future posts please see....


Thursday 6 December 2007

Seasons greetings

just a quick update
i am going into hospital to have a deviated septum corrected. This will put me officially out of action at the gym for at least 2 weeks, then 4 more to get back to where I am now. I will be focussing on staying upright thru exercises during this time-so that my face dosnt get flushed with blood and hence make my nose swell.
I will also stay off the creatine during this time-apart from the above reason-I wont be mainting the heavy lifting I do during the recovery period-think rhinoplasty and thats what it will be like.
I may also get my nose shape tweaked thru this time but mainly its due to correcting the d.s. I will not be at work for three weeks, and will lay low during the christmas period. Its a good time for me to sit back and reflect while others are doing the holiday thing. I have not told my peers, and this will lessen the pressure I would feel otherwise.
I will also be able to return to training during the day when the regulars are not there(that come at same time I do to the gym) as I wouldnt want them being too concerned with any swelling that may remain in the third-6th week recovery period.
I am very nervous and know ill miss my pole dancing and gym, but I need to think long term...this is what I have wanted for a long time and as I already have been thru a similar experience at age 16, nothing will come as a shock!
Then Ill be decising if I go to Sydney to the fitrose camp, its 400d but thats not inc the 500d id have to spend on accomodation and about 200 for flights(at least). It could be a very expensive journey...and I will have spent over 15k for this operation-yes 15000d.
Anyway I was told that I looked like I should compete this am at the gym and it really made my day to be able to have some notice the effort and results that come from hardcore focus eating and training...
I am unsure how ill go about my food plans especially as i have just started to fill out after comp again...but ill get there
must go now
love to you all thru this xmas period
see you in the new year

Thursday 15 November 2007


Isnt it amazing how somethings come full circle? I have been in touch with past associates of the figure industry and will be guided by her advice on training and diet in the future. I have had assistance from her before and really like her program and style of food plans. they were the only ones that really gave me the results I needed at the time. I am sure with a lot of things we have learnt over this year that we will be able to work well together!!! I am SO excited.
Last week I was rather tense about many "life changing descisions". Most of them were taken out of my hands though. I was informed for the third time in 6-8 years that it wouldnt be a good time investment to do the Police enterance exam due to my ulcerative colitis. Even though I am very fit and have it under control. But thats ok. I can move on now. I also had a catch up with a family member who I love dearly but had a fall out with for about 2-3 years due to personal differences about things that I did that made me happy.
I have noticed many figure femme fatales are considering surgery or having it done. I honestly feel if you think it will make you feel better and move on and enjoy your life then do it. I have done three major things that others may not have done but when I did it assisted me to overcome emotional and mental obstacles and enjoy life. Congrats to those who do the same:)
Next Friday will be D day when I have a specialist tell me if they will do a revision rhinoplasty. I am in two minds about having it done as it will put me on the fence for a while re training and food plans to gain lean mass. But then theres the fact that I am seriously having trouble continuing to live with something that still is NQR in my mind.
If anyone has had this operation please let me know as I cant remember much of the first time-I was only 16 years old. Plus I wasnt training then to the intensity and seriousness that I am now. Timmy says he loves me the way I am but its not about others opinions. Its about mine.
Tomorrow timmy and I are going to have a one hour massage at RACV City Club. My massage therapist is Peter who has treated rugby players and used to be a strong competitive swimmer. I can't wait!.
ok must go do some work!

Thursday 1 November 2007

time out

hey all
i havent posted as for the past week and a half i have had a combination of Uc, migraine and hayfever.. its been hard on the eating side and trying to find the right "maintenance" program to do in the gym while I wait t find a better one for growth.

I spoke to George from Definition gym and he was a breath of fresh air. he basically confirmed everything i wanted and thought to do in the future. Now the hurdle is just DOING it when I am feeling more the NQR. I keep losing weight which is the opposite of what I want to do! Its VERY frustraing!

I amalso trying to find a good off season type diet (even tho I really dont believe in time frames etc-just that there is a diet or food plan to assist growth depending on my body's needs and one to loose fat..)

I hope you all are well, and I plan to go to the Pole dancing class tonight-I have about six weeks to go before my plnned op-I am actually deciding on having a nose job(my second)...

Anyway-must go
love jewel

Wednesday 17 October 2007


greetings all,just a brief post as i will be travelling to warnambool over friday to monday for a wedding. This week has been hectic. Monday night was taking Flute my siamese to the Vet only for the nextday to have her put on an I.V srip and then to bring her home Wednesday night. this was due to severe dehydration and her self starvation. Obviously what happened at the start of this year happened again-yet this time it was a tummy bug without anything coming out. She just wasnt acting herself and in the end wasnt even strong enough to move.. Poor widdle. And my poor bank account!!! Anyway-a friend is house and babysitting her while timmy and i are visiting his family and our friends for the weekend. Last night I went to an info session at MBS (Muscle and bodyshape gym). it was VERY informative and Mnichael seems to have the exact determination and dedication to win that I do. It seems there were 40 competitive and stubborn girls there(yes forty!) and I agree that being stubborn can be good and bad for this sport. i will be meeting with Michael on next Tuesday after seeing George-the head ANB judge on monday. From here i will makee a dcisionout of three-to go with Michaels group-George or me....
I have been training well and have had more energy this week. I noticed a strength increase in all bodyparts and have started to susperset the same instead of different body parts. I have decided to compete next year in October as most of the time when preparing for the comp seems to be cold enough to train..It seems too hot at other times.
I have been zonked and for the first time in many weeks of preparing and competing i have been able to sleep without the use of sleeping aids. I felt that I was taking so many supplements during my last compthat it was not actually helping but hindering my health. Another lesson learnt. Im going to say a few prayers to the man up[stairs to help me decide what is best for me...any suggestions are welcome:)

Saturday 13 October 2007

im back

This of course is not a picture of me. however it is a picture of what i believe i feel now that this year has past. i have decided to start posting again most sundays-just once a week to let y'all know what i have been up to and how i am truth fully feeling about my training and eating and goals. I have had a real learning curve this year. I had so little confidence in myself at the start of this year that I actually paid many peopl through the nose to help me with my goals to competing in ANB Novice figure. I felt that I didnt have enough support and could not rely on my own knowledge and experience of my body, conditions, training or dieting and that someone who didnt know me from a bar of soap would have a better idea. in the end the people who helped me through the most were my friends such as you dear readers, who listened to me fears and gave advice and suggestions of how to keep on truckin. In the laof comp prep time I got colitis-see my conditions. it was faily untimely but if it was going to happen it was going to happen then. I had been taking many supplements to help me through the competition prep and they played havoc with my liver and caused an "epsiode", along with the stress of putting so much pressure on myself mentally and emotionally. Long story short I got up on stage bloated and having not gone to the loo both ways for more than 3-7 days. it was nothing short of a nightmare. however i tried to make lemonade out of lemons and enjoy the day for what it was, and met many people and leanr tmany things about how to and what not to do on the day itself.....
next time i compete I all i will have had to do is train and diet hard and smart enough to get there. I am thinking of taking a year off and training to gain...trialling different food plans to suit me and programmes, anything as long as it is intense will be bound to help in some way.
Yesterday was my birthday (30 with gst!!!!)and timmy my hubby took me to sophias in camberwell, and i had the hugest chicken schnitzel and then a white hot mocha chocolate at glorious jeans...it was a good day. To top it off, just beofre bed i came into the kitchen and timmy had set out a bday card, some beautiful presents and a lovely mug that said i love you and a poem.
this meant alot to me as the last week even till the time before i came on he thought i was going to do sportsmodel division. But I did figure and i wanted him to be so proud of me. I was to saythe least highly strung and dissapointed the day after and fairly depressed(mainly because i was so tired). But as i said i can turn all negatives into positives in the future.

Including the fact that i will be going to an info night at MBS Wednesday night and also seeing the head judge of ANb to personally speak to him about my comp diet and planning an off season mass gain diet:)

So here are my stats-its been one week since comp
i am 5kg and currently doing a 6 day split with one day off
chest shoulders, wuads glutes, back bi, chest shoulders, hamms glutes, back tris, cardio.
i aslo do cardio 3 x 30 min intense thru the week and 1-2 pole dancing classes/practices. i will be using that to help bring growth into my back as i have a pole at home too.

speaking of home i will need to depart because my kitty flute is under the weather and i really need to chillax with her.

i will be going to wbool next weekedn for a wedding-thnkfully the anb comp in sydney was going to be on the same date so i had planned annual leave anyway:)

if anyone ids out there that knows of Muscle and body shape and can tell me a bit about how they felt please contact me:)

yours true
jewlie girl!!!!!

Monday 27 August 2007


hi guys
thanks or hearing me out in all my blogs
im finding it more stressful to write now that i am lacking of energy and training like an animal. i am looking forward to doing the comp and have had had good reports about my physique posing etc. its been mentally draining due to previous trainers who have kicked me to the curb do to not being able to deal with my conditions-not that i wasnt able to control them myfel-but just support me through it and when i was back on track to take the reigns again.
so i will probably not do sydney ANB even if invited. I doubt I will place. But at least I will hae had my first figure experience.
I just wanted to formally say goodbye and thankyou and feel free to frop me a line any time at Jewel_warburton@racv.com.au. i will be deleting this blog in a weeks time.

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